Veneers Veneers

Veneers London

If you are looking for reliable, trusted and highly qualified veneers dentists in London, our reputable Harley Street clinic can help you.

When the impression your teeth become down, you should consider the veneers treatment in London. Veneers are thin covers attached to the front surface of your teeth. They can be used to correct your crooked, chipped, uneven, discoloured, gapped or protruding teeth. Whether you are in Harley Street or anywhere in London, Smile Works Dental is your one-stop destination for dental veneers to recreate natural look of teeth that can be improved of your overall appearance.

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Types of dental veneers available at our clinic

We offer three types of dental veneers at our clinic in Harley Street, London.

Types of dental veneers - Smile Works Dental

Dental Veneers in Harley Street, London

Dental veneers can be employed in several situations, depending on what results you need. They can be used when you need to:

Change the colour of your teeth

Brown or yellowish teeth could occur naturally, or it could be caused by habits such as smoking and drinking coffee. It could also be medical; caused by taking certain antibiotics. Whatever the cause, you might find that conventional teeth whitening treatments are not working well for you or might be harming your teeth. So a dental veneer might be the remedy you need.

Dental veneers treatment before & after - Smile Works Dental

*The above images categorise generic examples of the outcomes possible. Results can differ. The consultation will determine what is the best solution for you.

Cover up chipped teeth

The presence of small noticeable chips in your teeth might cause no medical problems, but it could make you feel a little self-conscious about your teeth, and discourage you from smiling or even speaking.

Alter the shape or size of your teeth

Some of your teeth could naturally be too small, or it could be short or too large. A dental veneer could come in handy in helping you even out the differences and give a better, more appealing look to your teeth.

Change shape or size of your teeth by veneers - Smile Works Dental

*The above images categorise generic examples of the outcomes possible. Results can differ. The consultation will determine what is the best solution for you.

Improve alignment

Braces are a popular option to correct irregular teeth. But if you find you don’t want braces, you can have dental veneers fitted easily for you. For younger patients, however, orthodontic treatment is recommended to remove gaps and correct their teeth, as fitting tooth veneers will mean healthy enamel will be removed from that teeth; a situation which is neither reversible nor advisable.

Improve teeth alignment by veneers - Smile Works Dental

*The above images categorise generic examples of the outcomes possible. Results can differ. The consultation will determine what is the best solution for you.

Repair teeth damage caused by bruxism

Bruxism is also teeth grinding, a condition where you habitually grind your teeth, especially during sleep. Patients with this problem discover that over time, they’ve succeeded in grinding the enamel off the surface of their teeth. A porcelain dental veneer will help restore fine cosmetic appeal to your teeth, and will also keep your teeth from being overly sensitive to hot and cold food or drink.

Advantages of Dental Veneers

  • Longevity and strength – Veneers are made of sturdy material that ensures you can enjoy your favorite meals while wearing them.
  • Permanent solution – Dental veneers are meant to last for 10 to 15 years by maintaining good oral hygiene habits.
  • Improve your smile – Teeth impressions are then sent to the research center and veneers will be prepared carefully with your set of teeth.
  • Simple and quick procedure – The arrangement of dental veneers can be done within two dental visits.
  • Stain-resistant – Veneers are highly resistant to stain marks. You can maintain whiter and brighter teeth even when drinking tea, coffee and red wine.
  • Cosmetic benefits – Veneers can help to improve broken, chipped, stained, misaligned or broadly dispersed teeth. These are usually used for cosmetic reason and set on the front teeth and visible teeth.
  • Short time for recovery – After the process is done, you can leave the dental practice and carry on your daily exercises.
  • Joined with other dental medications – Tooth whitening can help you to get rid of stained and discolored teeth. You will have whiter and shiny teeth with an attractive smile that everyone will feel jealous.
  • Boost confidence level – Your improved smile will make you feel confident about your overall appearance.

How does a dental veneer fitting work?

The veneer material and your desired outcome from your treatment will determine what process your dental veneer specialist will take with your veneer fitting. Correcting a problem like a tooth colour will be easily straightforward, and require less testing than covering a chipped tooth or fixing a misaligned tooth.

Also, composite veneers usually are formed and shaped as the dentist applies the covering, while porcelain veneers require extensive laboratory hours and testing by a skilled dentist at Harley Street London before it is completed.

The fitting process

You can get our dentist at Harley Street London to explain the fitting process for you and the results to be expected.

Dental veneers fitting process- Smile Works Dental

*The above images categorise generic examples of the outcomes possible. Results can differ. The consultation will determine what is the best solution for you.

The fitting process usually might commence with your dentist making dental impressions of your teeth; an x-ray might be scheduled to confirm the existing condition of your teeth. Checks for decay and gum diseases might also follow before preparatory work begins.

Composite veneers usually will be applied in a single visit by your dentist. The tooth surface first is roughened by applying acid to it, before a dental adhesive is put on it. The composite material will form gradually in thin layers to the desired shape needed. A special lamp will be used to toughen the paste at each stage of the application.

Once you’re satisfied with your veneers London treatment, your dentist will have the surface polished and smoothened, to give it a natural look.

For porcelain veneers, trimming off a thin layer from the surface of the enamel commences first. The size of the enamel taken off will fit the height and size of the veneers to be attached. This trimming is common, but not compulsory in every case, as some few veneer types require no removal of enamel.

Removal of your enamel should be painless, but a mild anaesthetic can be administered by your dentist if the need arises.

After removal, the teeth are filed to become smooth, and an impression will be taken by your dentist to make a perfect match of the veneer. Temporary veneers are an option for you at this point until your permanent ones are available.

Before the veneers are fitted, your tooth will be cleaned, and the surface of the tooth and veneer will be roughened, usually with acid. A tough dental adhesive ensures the veneers stay properly in place.

How long does a dental veneer last?

The longevity of any dental veneer depends majorly on what material the veneer is made from, and what type of veneer it is. All kinds of dental veneer are designed and produced to be strong, so that they when fitted, they withstand chewing and biting. A durable dental veneer could last you as long as 20 years, or less.

Dental veneers - Smile Works Dental

*The above images categorise generic examples of the outcomes possible. Results can differ. The consultation will determine what is the best solution for you.

Aftercare of dental veneers treatment

  • Clean your teeth with a quality toothbrush, and ensure it is changed frequently.
  • Floss every day.
  • Make regular use of a dental spray or mouthwash.
  • Make a regular appointment with your dentist to have your teeth properly cleaned.
  • Composite veneers stain more easily than porcelain, so ensure you carefully clean your teeth after taking foods like tea, coffee and wine.
  • Tobacco can easily stain your new tooth, so ensure you don’t smoke.

Cost of dental veneers at our Harley Street clinic

At Smile Works Dental clinic in London, the price of dental veneers will start from £595. You may visit our fees page to see full price list of our treatments or schedule an appointment with Dr. Siavash Mirfendereski to discuss your particular requirements.

Book an Appointment Today for Dental Veneers in Harley Street, London, W1

If you want more information about our veneers treatment, contact with our dental veneers clinic in Harley Street to book a consultation, so that you can find out the best match veneers treatment for you. Or book an appointment by calling us at 02071834091.

You can Get More Information Regarding Dental Veneers

We are always happy to help!

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