Our smile is one of the things that makes us beautiful. A beautiful smile can go a long way to brighten up someone’s day and make them confident. Because of this, people go through procedures to achieve that beautiful smile. That perfect smile can be achieved through smile makeover.
2.1. Colour of teeth
2.2. Balance of teeth
2.3. Missing teeth
4.1. Smile line
4.2. Tooth length
4.3. The texture of the teeth and characteristics
4.4. Proportion of tooth
7.1. Foods
7.2. Drinks
7.3. Brushing habits
7.4. Others
A smile makeover is a process that involves improving the smile of an individual through cosmetic dentistry. There are various cosmetic dental medications that can be carried out to improve the quality of your smile, and they are;
A smile makeover can be done for varying reasons, based on the individual. However, our dentists at Harley Street London will take into consideration some factors like the individual’s skin tone, colour of hair,and even facial appearance. Even with the considerations taken, the cosmetic dentist will work on some aspects to improve your smile.
Stained teeth can be improved by teeth whitening. Bear in mind that a dark coloured tooth could be an indication of an aged mouth. Before your teeth can be whitened, your skin tone, hair colour and face are carefully considered, to maintain a natural look.
An uneven tooth affects the outlook of your smile. A mouth full of more gums than teeth can be fixed using cosmetic dentistry to improve the general outlook of the smile.
A mouth with one or more tooth missing looks awkward in a smile. It also increases risk of tooth decay and can affect your bite as well. This can be rectified using dentures, bridges or even dental implants.
Overlapping teeth, gapped teeth or misaligned teeth can always be corrected using Invisalign braces and further improved with veneers.
Generally, a smile makeover is meant to correct an awkward or unpleasant smile. If you think of yourself as a candidate for smile makeover, then it is for you. You should consult our dentists, however, at Smile Works Dental clinic before the procedure. This way, you will get an effective procedure that will improve your smile.
During a smile makeover, there are various aspects of your teeth that are considered by the cosmetic dentist. They include;
This line is simply an imaginary line that runs through the edge of the upper teeth from one side to the other. It helps to determine the length of the new teeth.
A long tooth usually signifies youthful appearance. As one gets older the teeth begin to wear off and thus reduce in length. This can be resolved by the cosmetic surgeon using laser dentistry to lengthen the appearance of the teeth, or by reshaping the two front teeth with veneers or composite bonding.
The crowns or veneers can be modified by an artistic dentist to enhance a masculine or feminine look, giving you more confidence in your smile.
Most times, a smile is deemed beautiful when the two front teeth appear bold and dominating. It guides the appearance of other teeth in the smile line. If your teeth is not in the right proportion,the cosmetic dentist will have to modify them.
Even after the smile makeover procedure, you still need to continue with oral hygiene. Various dental procedures require different maintenance practices. For example, if you had a teeth whitening procedure, it should be maintained by repeating the whitening process occasionally. Also if you had a dental crown, it should be replaced after about 10 – 15 years. The same thing applies to smile makeover, consult our dentist at Harley Street London on ways to make your smile permanent.
The cost of getting a smile makeover depends on several factors like
If the dentist notices an underlying problem before a smile makeover and treats it, the cost of the whole procedure will be higher.
To ensure a lasting smile after the smile makeover, there are some basic precautions to take. It ranges from the type of food to consume to general activities. They include;
Food with high sugar content causes cavities and stains to the teeth. You would not want to dent your new smile by consuming foods that are too sweet.
The intake of alcoholic beverages should be reduced, as well as soda, tea, or coffee. These drinks ruin your smile and also cause problems in your mouth.
Using harsh toothpaste, or brushing hard can reduce the polish of your teeth restorations. Flossing should be taken seriously to remove particles and make teeth stronger. Mouthwash should not be used all the time because some of them have alcohol in them.
Avoid biting or chewing hard objects, and doing strange dental activities like biting pens, or opening bottles with teeth.
A good smile can go a long way to restore one’s confidence. Our dentists at Smile Works Dental clinic will always be ready to help.