Dental Bridge Dental Bridge
Dental Bridge


If one or more teeth are missing in your mouth, you might need a dental bridge to fill the gap and also restore your smile. A dental bridge is a dental prosthesis which resembles a natural tooth. Dental bridges, which are usually permanently fixed, can last for more than 15 years. You can get these dental bridges at Smile Works Dental Clinic on Harley Street, London.

A dental bridge is a popular tooth replacement option in London. There are different types of dental bridges; each having its own pros and cons.

In this guide, you learn more about dental bridges and alternative tooth replacement options like dentures & implants. At the end of this guide, you will be able to make a more informed decision about the best tooth replacement option for you.

Dental Bridges: An Overview

A dental bridge is simply a dental prosthesis which bridges the gap between teeth. You might be required to opt for dental bridges if one or more of your teeth are missing or decayed. In the case of hypodontia or congenital absence of a tooth, dental bridges can be recommended.

There are several materials used to manufacture tooth bridges. Metal alloy toothbrushes are the cheapest of them all. However, they do not have the appearance of natural teeth. Porcelain and ceramic dental bridges have the same appearance of the natural teeth. They are, however more expensive.

An implant-supported dental bridge might be recommended if more than two teeth are missing in a row.

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Types of Dental Bridge

A dental bridge can be fitted in two ways to the existing teeth: fixed or bonded.


The most common type of dental bridge in London is the fixed dental bridge. This is because of durability and effectiveness.

For a fixed dental bridge, the prosthesis is made up of a crown, and artificial teeth called the Pontics. The crown is situated on either side of the prosthesis while the Pontics are in the middle.

A fixed bridge is a reliable and durable dental solution. It is always difficult to notice that the teeth are artificial.

However, the major disadvantage of a fixed dental bridge is that you have to‘sacrifice’ two healthy teeth. But if you choose to replace your tooth bridge later with an implant, there will be the need to fix crowns for the adjacent teeth.

There are two types of fixed dental bridge available: Front teeth bridge & Cantilever Bridge.

  • Front Teeth Bridge

A front teeth bridge is the best dental bridge for gaps or missing front teeth. This may require two crowns on the sides because of the great biting pressure on the front incisors.

  • Cantilever Dental Bridge

A cantilever bridge is a fixed dental bridge that is fitted via a crown on one of the adjacent teeth. It is most often used when only one natural tooth is next to a missing tooth.

A major advantage of cantilever bridges is that they need just one healthy tooth to be drilled into an abutment. The main disadvantage of the cantilever bridges is that they end up exerting extra pressure on the supporting tooth. Hence, it is not recommended for areas of biting and chewing.


A bonded dental bridge (also referred to as Maryland Bridge) is best used when there is only one tooth to replace. It has metal ‘wings’ on both sides which are attached to the inner edge of the adjacent teeth.

It helps to preserve the healthy adjacent teeth; however, it is not as durable as a fixed bridge.

Other Teeth Replacement Options.

  • Dental Implants

Dental implants are usually fixed directly into the jawbone, where your tooth root is situated. Most dental implants are made from titanium; it is a very strong material which is bio-compatible with the human body.

The major benefits of the dental bridge are:

  • Adjacent teeth are not affected.
  • It has a prolonged durability
  • It is easy to maintain and care for.

Dental implants often require some surgeries and are also more expensive than dental bridges. The process also takes a longer time.

  • Bridged Implants

Bridged implants are usually recommended for patients who have several missing teeth in a row. In this case, implants are first of all installed in place of the anchor teeth, followed by the fitting of the bridge.

The bridged implant is a more cost-effective tooth replacement option.

  • Dentures

Dentures (false teeth) consist of one or more prosthetic teeth that are fixed to plastic or metal frames. Dentures are so versatile that they can easily fit around remaining healthy teeth. Individuals who lost all their teeth can get a full set of dentures as well.

Partial dentures and full dentures need to be removed for special cleaning. Full dentures must be kept in a cleaning solution overnight.

Dentures are not as durable as bridged implants as they can only last for a few years. They get loose over time. Dentures can become uncomfortable when not promptly replaced. Dentures can also slip out during a conversation.

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Dental bridge Bridged implant Partial dentures
Permanency Non-removable Fixed into the jawbone bone Removable
Durability 5-15 years >20 years 5-10 years
Comfort If fitted well, like natural teeth Like natural teeth It becomes loose over time leading to discomfort
Appearance Looks natural except metal is used Looks natural Artificial look.
Function Like natural teeth Like natural teeth Avoidance of certain foods.

Frequent removable for cleaning

Medium High Low
Cost From £270 N/A From £270

Be informed that any form of an artificial tooth cannot be affected by teeth whitening.

The appropriate way to determine the best solution for you is to contact a dentist online. Our team of dentists at Harley Street, London would be glad to help you in your decision process for a suitable treatment option.

Frequently Asked Questions on Dental bridges

What is the cost of Dental bridges know the UK?

Certain factors will determine the costs of a dental bridge. Dental bridge costs depend significantly on the material used, the type of bridge recommended for you, and your dentist’s fees for consultation and other charges such as fitting.

Expect your dentist to check your mouth to determine the state of your remaining teeth before dishing out your treatment plan and cost estimate.

The table below shows the price range for the tooth replacement option.

Type Cost
Fixed Dental bridge From £250 – £800 per unit
Bonded bridge From £250 – £1,000 per unit
Bridged implant From £2,900 or more

Can I Get Dental Bridges at Smile Works Dental?

Dental bridges are available at Smile Works Dental on Harley Street. Our dentist will assist you in making informed decisions on selecting the best type of dental bridge for you.

Can I Have Access to Insurance?

One certain way to save some money on dental bridges costs is to travel abroad for your treatment. Dental care can be 50-70% less in countries like Hungary and Poland, still with an excellent service rendered.

Dental insurance policies in the UK often cover dental bridge treatment. If you have active insurance, confirm if your dental bridge costs were covered.

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What are the possible problems with Dental bridge?

Complications can occur with dental bridges. Here are some of the most common problems with dental bridge :

Infection Underneath the dental bridge:This can be caused by poor oral hygiene, poorly fitted bridge and decay of the supporting teeth.

Sensitivity:It is normal to experience some sensitivity under your dental bridge because your gums and mouth need to adjust to the new teeth. If it persists for more than a couple of weeks, there might be an underlying cause. It is best to visit your dentist at Smile Works Dental.

Trapped Foods Under the Dental Bridge:Be extra careful when cleaning around the dental bridge. Food can get trapped in small spaces between the gum and the Pontics which could be so discomforting. This can lead to breeding of bacteria. A water flosser can help significantly to dislodge trapped foods.

Do You Need to Replace a Missing Tooth?

There are many reasons why it is bad to ignore the obvious gap in your mouth.

  • It becomes harder to eat
  • The surrounding teeth will be prone to extra pressure & wear and tear
  • Increase the risk of gum disease
  • Your speech might be affected.
  • The supporting jawbone and facial muscles will lose elasticity over time.

So the question is not “Should I replace it?” but “How should I replace it?”

Can I remove my dental bridge?

No, a dental bridge is permanently fixed. Only your dentist can remove it if it has a poor fit, then he will re-cement it for a better fit.

Is it Painful to get Dental bridge fixed?

The procedure will be carried out under local anaesthetic. However, you may experience a little discomfort, but it should not be painful at all.


If you want a natural-looking, permanent way to fill up the gap between your teeth, a dental bridge is recommended. If properly fitted, you can easily forget the fact that you have an artificial tooth.

Do you still have questions about teeth replacement options?

Our dentists will be glad to proffer solutions to your dental needs.

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